Application Apply For The Evolved Method Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastFacebook Name if differentFirstLastEmail *Your best email so we can send you the zoom linkPhone *Your cell in case we don't receive email confirmationWhere do you live? *Age *Weight *Height (ft and in) *YOUR CURRENT HEALTH AND FITNESS GOALS? *WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST STRUGGLE RIGHT NOW IN ACHIEVING THOSE GOALS? WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK? *HOW MANY DAYS A WEEK ARE YOU CURRENTLY EXERCISING? Leave blank if 0. *Rate 1 out of 7Rate 2 out of 7Rate 3 out of 7Rate 4 out of 7Rate 5 out of 7Rate 6 out of 7Rate 7 out of 7HOW MANY DAYS A WEEK COULD YOU DEDICATE TO EXERCISING? *Rate 1 out of 7Rate 2 out of 7Rate 3 out of 7Rate 4 out of 7Rate 5 out of 7Rate 6 out of 7Rate 7 out of 7PLEASE ATTACH A FRONT PHOTO OF YOUR CURRENT PHYSIQUE Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Since we cannot see you in person for this application, we need to see the best photo representation. You can use the front camera on your phone, press record, stand in your poses and take screen shots of the video. Or use a timer. See example photo. No bathroom selfies please. Find a spot with good lighting. Do not cut off your head.PLEASE ATTACH A SIDE PHOTO OF YOUR CURRENT PHYSIQUE Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Since we cannot see you in person for this application, we need to see the best photo representation. You can use the front camera on your phone, press record, stand in your poses and take screen shots of the video. Or use a timer. No bathroom selfies please. Find a spot with good lighting. Do not cut off your head.PLEASE ATTACH A BACK PHOTO OF YOUR CURRENT PHYSIQUE Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Since we cannot see you in person for this application, we need to see the best photo representation. You can use the front camera on your phone, press record, stand in your poses and take screen shots of the video. Or use a timer. No bathroom selfies please. Find a spot with good lighting. Do not cut off your head.DO YOU HAVE AN CURRENT OR PAST INJURIES OR LIMITATIONS?WHERE DO YOU EXERCISE CURRENTLY OR WHERE WILL YOU ME DOING THE MAJORITY OF IT *HOMEGYMHOME AT THE MOMENT DUE TO COVIDHOW MANY STEPS DO YOU AVERAGE PER DAY? *WHAT DO YOU EAT IN A DAY CURRENTLY? INCLUDE SPECIFIC MEAL ITEMS, PORTION SIZES, JUNK FOOD, FAST FOOD OR BINGE EATING SNACKS. BE HONEST. *HOW OFTEN DO YOU EAT OUT EACH WEEK? Selected Value: 0 0: NEVER 7: EVERDAYWHAT DO YOU NORMALLY ORDER WHEN YOU GO OUT TO EAT? WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE FOODS? *DO YOU DRINK ALCOHOL? DO YOU SMOKE TOBACCO? DO YOU SMOKE MARIJUANA? IF YES, HOW MUCH SPECIFICALLY EACH WEEK? *WHAT DO YOU DO FOR WORK? *HOW ACTIVE IS YOUR JOB? *(sitting, standing, walking and / or physical labour)WHAT ARE YOUR HEALTH AND FITNESS GOALS? FOR THE NEXT MONTH AND THE NEXT SIX MONTHS? *WHY ARE THESE GOALS IMPORTANT TO YOU NOW? WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE? WHAT IS YOUR DRIVE? *HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU TO REACHING THESE GOALS AND TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE? *WHAT ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS IF WE FIT TO WORK TOGETHER? *ARE YOU 100% WILLING TO COMMIT TO THE PLAN TO SEE YOUR TRANSFORMATION? *YesNoTHIS PROGRAM IS NOT A CHEAP COOKIE CUTTER PLAN. IT IS CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR YOU AND YOUR GOALS WITH THE SUPPORT OF A COACH CHRISTINE AND THE BADASS BABE SQUAD 24/7. WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH US? *I give 100% to all of my clients. I don't like to waste anyones time as I know how valuable it is to you, because I greatly value my time. *I have less than $400 I am willing to spend & looking for something basic to get startedI have a budget, but if the program can guarantee results, I am committedI am absolutely committed to achieving my health and fitness goals, I will do whatever it takes to transform my life!Other If we are a good fit and we go a head with making a plan for your transformation, what best describes your current situation?IF WE ARE A GOOD FIT AND MOVE FORWARD WITH WORKING TOGETHER, WHEN WOULD YOU IDEALLY LIKE TO GET STARTED?HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? *IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE WE SHOULD KNOW BEFORE MOVING FORWARD? *PhoneSubmit